biggest mistake

my biggest mistake iv’e made is trusting my mother to be honest. When I did trust her i belived almost everything she told me. From my father being a coke dealer to him being an abusive awful man. when the “restraining order” came to a close I finaly got to see my dad after almost 2 years. I found once saw him agin that everything i once thought was wrong. when it turned out my mother was the one using coke, pills, drinking, and  abusive, stupid bitch that thought she could control me through lies. Thats why no one can trust my “mom” (emily Lacy).

What would you say to a stranger if you had 60 seconds to talk a stranger out of taking his/her life?

Uhhhhhh….. In not sure who you are but i can see you must be troubled. There’s other solutions trust me I’ve been in your situation. I know it sucks now, whatever it is, but if you stop now you’ll never get the chance to see change. You don’t want to end on this note right now do you? If you don’t do this I can help you through this. No one has to know you’ve come to this unless you would prefer others to help you through this. Just put this behind you and i’m sure you wont  regret it. But i wont stop you from what you believe is right, the choice is yours….